Kenny Vines Memorial Billfish Tournament 2021
September 24-25, 2021
Story by: Evan A. Hipsley, Jr.
25 September 2021
Location: Tacky Jacks | Orange Beach, AL
The Kenny Vines (KV) Memorial Billfish Tournament was held on Friday and Saturday September 24 & 25th, 2021 in beautiful Orange Beach, Alabama hosted by the Orange Beach Sportfishing Club (OBSC) at Tacky Jacks Orange Beach in honor of the late Mr. Kenny Vines - a true conservationist and passionate fisherman. Five IGFTO Observers, including yours truly and I'm a recognized Past Vice President of OBSC, were on hand both ashore and afloat during this two-day annual tournament which boasted 21 boats/teams. We are pleased to announce the results:
Billfish Catch and Release:
Dave Mills-White Marlin (Elizabeth Ann).
Nick Richardson-White Marlin (Restless).
Greg Hosko-White Marlin (Elizabeth Ann).
Rae Moon-White Marlin (Moon Dogg).
Kain Watson 32.6# (MG).
Elijah Ramos 25.6# (Satisfaction).
Amanda Morgan 23.4# (ShoNuf).
Allen Waddle 169.6# (Team Floyd).
Tuna and Dolphin:
No Tournament legal fish were weighed.
Top Boat:
Elizabeth Ann.
We are tentatively scheduling next year's KV for Friday and Saturday September 23 & 24, 2022.
Best, Evan.