Terry O'Neill

Terry O’Neill has lived in the Palm Beaches since 1957 and has observed in sailfish tournaments since late in the last century. After a stint with the U.S. Army Security Agency, and nearly 20 years as a Sr. Engineer with Florida’s largest utility, he founded and owned a leading edge VoIP telecommunication company. He is currently office manager for his wife Mary’s very successful veterinary office.

Terry was certified as an observer in 2003 by the IGFA and since has observed in over 70 tournaments in Virginia, Florida, Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Virgin Islands, Mexico, Guatemala, Nicaragua, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Venezuela. In 2008 he along with Bob Malerba, John Treat, Larry I’Anson and others started the formation of what is known today as the IGFTO.

Terry transferred his duties to the retired list effective January 26, 2022 and will remain active as an advisor during his transition. We thank him for his many years of dedicated and unwavering commitment to the conservation of Billfish and the industry.

Updated: 1.18.2024


IGFTO Directors