IGFTO Highlights - Past, Present, and Future
IGFTO is truly international. A little over half of our members come from Florida, but 32% come from the rest of the country (12% the Midwest and West, 10% the South, and 10% New England). Five (5) percent of our members come from outside the United States.
Tournament Participation
Since our inception 15 years ago, the IGFTO has witnessed the release of 71,170+ billfish and has incurred several million dollars of personal expense in order to observe and conserve the species for future generations.
- 2025 saw 12 observers attend the Ladies Tournament and witnessed the release of 266 sailfish and one marlin, and that same week 25 observes participated in Leg 1 of the Triple Crown and witnessed the release of 2324 sailfish and 36 marlins.
- 2024 dispatched 254 Observers for Legs 1, 2, & 3 Ladies Tournament and the Triple Crown Series in Los Sueños Costa Rica, the Pescadora in Quepos, the 71st setting of the International Billfish Tournament in Puerto Rico, the 30th Anniversary of the El Salvador International, and the 9th Annual Guatemala Billfish Invitational. Our Observers wittnessed a total of 8,348 Billfish released. Releases were observed in both the Atlantic and Pacific.
- 2023 dispatched 230 Observers to 10 tournaments in Costa Rica for seven instances including three Los Sueños Ladies Tournaments and Legs One, Two, and Three of the Triple Crown, to Quepos for the Pescadora, to Puerto Rico for the 70th International Billfish Tournament, to El Salvador for the International Billfish Tournament, and to Guatemala for the 8th Annual Guatemala Billfish Invitational. Observers witnessed the release of 3,655 billfish. Among these were 3,215 Sailfish and 440 Marlins (Blue, Black, and Striped). Releases were observed in both the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans.
- 2022 has sent 221 Observers to Costa Rica for seven instances including three Los Sueños Ladies Tournaments which were the prelude to Legs One, Two, and Three of the Los Sueños Signature Triple Crown Billfish Tournament, the Pescadora homeported in Quepos, Costa Rica, 25 Observers participated in the San Juan Puerto Rico International Billfish Tournament, 15 Observers participated in the El Salvador International Billfish Tournament, and 10 Observers participated in the 7th Annual Guatemala Billfish Invitational Pacific Fins Tournament. Observers witnessed the release of 4,272 billfish. Among these were 3,762 Sailfish and 510 Marlins (Blue, Black, Striped, and White). Releases comprised both Atlantic and Pacific venues.
- 2021 has sent 140 Observers to Costa Rica for seven separate instances; 3 Los Sueños Ladies Tournaments which were the prelude to 3 separate Legs of the Los Sueños Signature Triple Crown Billfish Tournament, and the second-year in a row Observers attended the Pescadora out of Quepos. Observers witnessed the release of 3,651 billfish. Among these were 3,517 Sailfish and 134 Marlins (Blue and Striped). All were Pacific releases.
- In 2020, IGFTO sent 174 observers to 5 billfish tournaments in Costa Rica, and El Salvador prior to tournament shut downs due to CV19. Our observers participated along with 174 boats in releasing a total of 2,113 billfish. Among these were 1,906 Sailfish and 207 Marlins. All were Pacific releases.
- In 2019, IGFTO sent 164 observers to 7 billfish tournaments in Florida, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Puerto Rico, Aruba, and El Salvador. Our observers participated along with 247 boats in releasing a total of 4,354 billfish. Among these were 4,069 Sailfish, 264 Blue Marlin, and 21 White Marlin. 4,204 were Pacific releases, and 129 were Atlantic releases.
- In 2018, IGFTO sent 126 observers to 6 billfish tournaments in Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Aruba, and El Salvador. Our observers participated along with 241 boats in releasing a total of 3,126 billfish. Among these were 2,745 Sailfish, 333 Blue Marlin, 31 White Marlin, and 17 Striped Marlin. 2,906 were Pacific releases, and 189 were Atlantic releases.
- In 2017, IGFTO sent 153 observers to 11 billfish tournaments in Florida, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Puerto Rico, Nicaragua, Aruba, and El Salvador. Our observers participated along with 275 boats in releasing a total of 4,764 billfish. Among these were 4,300 Sailfish, 411 Blue Marlin, and 53 White Marlin. 4,356 were Pacific releases, and 355 were Atlantic releases.
In 2016, IGFTO sent 133 observers to 11 billfish tournaments in Florida, Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Nicaragua, Aruba and San Salvador. Our observers participated along with 305 boats in releasing a total of 9,133 billfish. Among these were 8,841 sailfish, 226 blue marlin, and 66 white marlin. Our observers collectively received high mark from their captains for their hard work.
In 2015, observers witnessed the release of 7,127 billfish, including 6,666 sailfish, 309 blue marlin, 147 white marlin, 1 black marlin, 2 striped marlin and 2 spearfish.
In 2014, observers witnessed the release of 7,724 billfish, including 7,077 sailfish; 384 blue marlin; 258 white marlin, 3 striped marlin, 1 striped marlin and 1 black marlin while observing in 18 tournaments in 8 countries in the Caribbean, US Virgin Islands, Central America and the United States.
In 2013, IGFTO members participated in 10 catch & release tournaments in 6 countries. During that year, observers witnessed the safe release of 3,387 billfish of which 207 were blue marlin, 122 white marlin, 5 striped marlin and 3,050 sailfish.
In 2012, IGFTO members participated in 13 catch & release tournaments in 7 countries. During that year, observers witnessed the safe release of 2,454 billfish of which 254 were blue marlin, 197 white marlin, 3 black marlin, 9 striped marlin and 1,994 sailfish.
In 2011, IGFTO members participated in 10 catch & release tournaments in 7 countries. this year, observers witnessed the safe release of 1,273 billfish of which 203 were blue marlin, 278 white marlin, 7 striped marlin, 1 spearfish and 784 sailfish.
In 2010 and the last four months of 2009, IGFTO members participated in 10 catch & release tournaments in 7 countries and observers witnessed the safe release of 1,987 billfish.
Additional Highlights:
IGFTO donated $2,500 to The Billfish Foundation Tag and Release program in 2016, $1,000 to the Presidential Challenge Charitable Foundation, and an additional donation to ABROQUEN, an organization devoted to aiding burn victims in Central America.
The U.S. Patent and Trademark Office approved the application by International Game Fish Tournament Observers for a registered trademark under class 42: Inspecting tackle, fishing equipment, and fish to ensure compliance with tournament standards and the safe re-lease of bill fish during catch and release tournaments.
IGFTO Directors Nick Noonan and Greg Moore retired from the board this year but remain active observers in the organization. Art McDonald, a charter member of the IGFTO, was elected VP & Director. Art has held a USCG Captain's License for over 40 years, completed the IGFA certified training program in 2006 and has owned and captained numerous sport fishing boats.
Developed an IGFTO observer written test application for experienced anglers and captains.
IGFTO upgraded its website to promote the organization's mission and to increase the communication among observers and tournament directors. Prospective IGFTO observers may apply online.
In the Past:
IGFTO Observers have participated in 63 International Billfish Tournaments in 11 Countries (USA, Costa Rica, Dominican Republic, Turks & Caicos, USVI, Aruba, Venezuela, Mexico, Puerto Rico, El Salvador, Nicaragua and Guatemala.)
Our future plans include:
- Expanding membership of trained observers and increasing IGFTO observer presence in international billfish tournaments.
Launching an effort to convert existing “kill" tournaments venues to a tag & release format.
Attracting corporate sponsors to support the IGFTO mission of promoting the preservation of game fish during international billfish tournaments.
Attaining recognition as a sponsor of international game fish & billfish tournament.
Revising marketing brochures and banners for distribution at tournaments, boat shows and other events.
- Creating a continuing education test for IGFTO observers.