About Us

Who We Are

International Game Fish Tournament Observers, Inc. (IGFTO) are experienced professional and amateur sport fishermen with a variety of backgrounds including physicians, bankers, educators, military veterans, realtors, and numerous successful business owners. Our members average more than 30 years experience on the water.

Our passion for sport fishing has allowed all of us to recognize the need to conserve and preserve these majestic creatures of the sea. The game fish are declining due to poor fish management and tournament overkill. We fear that our children and grandchildren will not experience the joys of catching and releasing. We support all organizations dedicated to the conservation and preservation of game fish.

Our Mission

First and foremost, our goal as an association of game fish tournament observers is to strongly support the existing international game fish tournaments held around the world which advocate release and conservation of the species.

Our mission, as Tournament Observers, is to dedicate our efforts to the conservation and protection of Game Fish. The organization advocates for release venues in all international game fish tournaments. We support programs that study and protect game fish. We promote education about game fish preservation in both the public and private sectors.

Our membership champions other charitable organizations and foundations with similar conservation goals and programs. We are organized to become a conduit for their conservation programs and generate funding sources for their causes. 

 DONATIONS: To make a tax-deductible donation to the IGFTO, please click here: DONATE TO THE IGFTO You can also mail us a check to: IGFTO  P.O. Box 30191 Pensacola, FL 32503-9998. Thank you in advance for your generosity.


IGFTO Directors